Saturday, December 18, 2010

After A While

After a while
you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul
and you learn love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't always mean security.
And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't always promises
and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and and your eyes ahead with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.
And you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.
After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much
So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers
And you learn that you really can endure, that you really are strong and you really do have worth and you learn and you learn
with every good-bye you learn.
Author: Veronica A. Shoffstall
I used this reading to design a calligraphy type banner for a psychology course I was once enrolled in. I had discovered it shortly after my first husband passed away and its message couldn't have rang anymore true. I will never forget the feeling of complete devestation and desertion. Of course, he hadn't planned on checking out of this world at the tender age of 37, but hadn't we promised a life time together? In spite of how we all think or how we all feel we need others to depend on our happiness and growth it really stems from within. And when you've established strong roots you'll feel the power and the capabilities you really do have to grow. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. For it is in living - the joys, the laughter, the heartache and sorrow...all coupled together which have made me stronger. My experiences could have left me bitter, instead they have made me the spice of life.
